Most contact lenses fit today are single use lenses.
We don’t sleep in lenses anymore. The use of single use contacts from any of the four major and three minor lens manufacturers can provide contacts for less than a dollar a day.
MultiFocal contact lenses can help adults see clearly far away and up close without reading glasses. We prescribe MultiFocal contact lenses in soft, rigid and scleral forms.
Contacts are a safe correction for nearsightedness, farsightedness and presbyopia. A new type of contact lens can help reduce the increase in myopia for children. Myopia management is a new use of contact lenses that has recently enabled eye doctors to reduce potentially sight threatening nearsightedness.
Besides single use contact lenses to reduce nearsightedness, we can also use eye drops on a daily basis to manage myopia.
Specialty contact lenses can help correct ocular conditions such as keratoconus, dry eye and corneal ecstasias. We can supply those for you.